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Welcome to YEAR

Welcome to the Young European Arena of Research website.

This site showcases early-stage research within the Road Transport arena from across Europe. You can browse through this site and view all submitted abstracts that summarise areas of current research and highlight expected deliverables within the field. This will stimulate your interest while also allowing you to compare work with others and possibly form collaborations with people that are in the same or complementary fields. The site is open for viewing by all those interested in the road transport research!

See the new YEAR promotional Video and see what is all about...

Download full size video [ 27,6 Mb ]. You will need a DivX codec to watch the video.

Medals awarded for the YEAR 2008 competition

Young researchers from across Europe were awarded medals last week for the Young European Arena of Research (YEAR) 2008 competition. The students were awarded the prestigious prizes during the Transport Research Arena 2008 Conference in Slovenia last week, in front of 1,200 delegates from across Europe. More information. List of winners. Pictures.

50 Finalists Announced

We are pleased to announce the 50 Finalists of YEAR2008 that will be travelling to TRA2008 in April to display their work for 1,500 delegates to view. Please click here to view the list.

Submission of Abstracts Closes

Submission of abstracts for YEAR2008 is now closed, as of 5pm CET on Monday 3rd March 2008.

Thank you to all of you who have submitted abstracts, and we wish you the very best of luck with your application.

We hope to see you in Slovenia!

Bonus Prizes – iPod nano and iTouch

Bonus Prizes – iPod nano and iTouch

Along with the Gold Medal for first prize winners, we will be awarding a bonus prize of an iPod nano for each of the 5 scientific Pillars and also for the Future Visions category the lucky first prize winner will receive an iTouch.

The more you enter, the more chance of winning one of the 6 fabulous bonus prizes!

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TRA 2008
Transport Research Arena 2008 (TRA 2008) will be jointly organised by the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR), the European Road Transport Research Advisory Committee (ERTRAC) and the European Commission.
image YEAR 2008
This project is funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme.

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